COVID-19 - Update Dec 2021
We are very eager to go back to our dojo. Our coordinators at Concordia Univ. will be soon giving us updates about the return to training considering all safety measures (distance protocols, vaccine passports, etc)
For now, all our kendo and iaido activites remain suspended.
We will keep you posted, hoping to be back at the dojo very soon.
Please stay safe and healthy!
- Shidokan

Welcome to Shidokan Kendo and Iaido Club

2025 Montreal Iaido Seminar & Grading
Join our event on Facebook
Shidokan Kendo and Iaido - Winter 2025 Registration


Dear friends, we noticed a recent glitch on Google maps. Our location appears to be on Sherbrooke St. East (by Metro Radisson). This is incorrect.
Our dojo is located at: 7200 Sherbrooke West, H4B-1R2, Loyola Campus - Gymnasium, as usual. We are working on fixing this issue. Thank you for your understanding.

...To mold the mind and body; to cultivate a vigorous spirit; and through correct and rigid training; to strive for improvement in the arts of Kendo and Iaido; to hold in esteem human courtesy and honor; to associate with others with sincerity; and to forever pursue the cultivation of one's self...

For many years "Shidokan Kendo and Iaido Club" has been operating in Montreal, Canada; Our objective is to offer the best possible information to every person seeking a serious path in Martial Arts. Feel free to navigate through our site and don't forget to pay us a visit to find out what's beyond that far away Mountain...

A true warrior has no confusion in his mind...

No Martial Art symbolizes the spirit of the warrior more than the arts of kendo and Iaido.

Never surrender

Be better today than you were yesterday and then strive to become better still...

Unleash the Warrior within you...

The students learn and practice fierce techniques, until eventually sword becomes "no sword", intention becomes "no intention", a spontaneous knowledge of every situation.

Pride and friendship

Friendship and swordsmanship shall grow together through intense and sincere training. "Respect, perseverance and humbleness"; our everyday prayer.

Unify mind, body and spirit...

Kendo and Iaido are considered the most respected living forms of Budo nowadays

Would you discover yourself?

We invite you to this journey where you will find amazing secrets about yourself through the way of the sword.

Overcome your own limits

Although the metal swords have been replaced by bamboo and wood, all other aspects of the Samurai Spirit live on in the practice of Kendo and Iaido.

Shidokan's History and Pride

Since it's foundation in 1974 produced many outstanding Kendo players in Quebec generation after generation.

Empty your mind

Through constant practice the student will be able to clear the mind giving him or her the confidence needed to overcome daily undertakings with the utmost commitment. - Santoso Hanitijo Sensei.

Douglas Funamoto Sensei

"His dedication to teaching kendo was tremendous, and his humble nature will be remembered fondly."
- Lawrence Tsuji

Experience Tradition...

Students are given the opportunity to experience an ancient Japanese tradition.

Generation after Generation

The first Shidokan generation produced outstanding Kendo players that have continued to develop the art many years later to pass their knowledge to the new generations.

Practice, Practice, Practice

At Shidokan we understand that the only way to obtain our goals and to suceed in every aspect of life is to always persevere.
Just like Sensei says : "Practice, practice and practice more"

Fees and Registration Shidokan Schedule How to become a member?

News 2024

August 28 2024 | Last day of Summer training

As our summer training comes to an end, we reflect upon all the lessons and achievements of the past few months. Our troops put lots of effort and dedication in their training and for that, we are very proud.

Great job everyone! Now let's focus on the road ahead.

Aug 17 2024 | Montreal Taikai

Great performance of Shidokan at the Montreal Taikai 2024! We are very proud of all our participants! Congratulations to those who obtained medals: Silver for Shidokan Women's Team & Bronze medal for Shidokan A Team. Our sincere gratitude to everyone who came to support our dojo. And thank you to the organizers, shinpan & volunteers for such great work. It was great to see our kendo friends in town!

May our paths cross again soon 🙏

April 6 & 7 2024 | Montreal Iaido Seminar & CKF Grading

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated in the Montreal Iaido Seminar 2024. It was quite a sight to see so many iaidoka from many dojos in the region practicing together. Thank you to all our dear instructors and volunteers for making this event happen, your support is truly invaluable. Also thank you to our guests for the beautiful demonstrations. Congratulations to those who passed their grading.

To all our friends: let our paths cross again very soon! 🙇‍♂️

Dec 21 2023 | Last week of training

And so 2023 comes to an end... Thank you to all our members for your dedication and unbreakable spirit. To our teachers and the logistic crew steering this ship... ありがとう ございました 🙇‍♂️ Thank you also to our dear friends for your unconditional support 🙏

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our very own Natasha Fracassi who is now an official member of the National kendo squad #teamcanada 🇨🇦 and will be representing us in Italy #WKC2024 💪 we are incredibly proud! 2024 certainly looks very promising. Merry christmas & happy holidays!, we'll see you very soon!

Nov 19 2023 | CKF Kendo Grading - JCCC

On the weekend of Nov 18 & 19, a Shidokan contingent travelled to Toronto to participate in the JCCC Taikai and to challenge Kendo grading. A great opportunity to test our skill and to reunite with dear friends. It was great seeing Lawrence Tsuji Sensei and Natasha Fracassi 😎 Looking forward to our next encounter 🙏 Congratz to those who passed their grading, lots of discipline and dedication 💪

上出来 !

Sep 14 2023 | Fall Session begins!

The new Fall session just started, we are happy to welcome all our new members!

Aug 26 & 27 2023 | CKF Iaido Instructors Seminar

One the weekend of Aug 26 & 27 we had the privilege to participate in the 2023 CKF Iaido Instructors Seminar, led by Atsumi Hatakenaka Sensei, Hanshi 8th Dan (Hatakenaka Sensei is a Delegate from the AJKF). The 2-day seminar was hosted by Etobicoke Kendo & Iaido Club, ON (Thank you Stephen Cruise Sensei! 🙏 ) with the support of the Canadian Kendo Federation.

It was a great opportunity to improve our iai and to understand how to better coach every detail of the Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Iai series. We also had the opportunity to practice how to properly shinpan a iaido taikai. Our sincere gratitude to Patrick Suen Sensei for organizing this event, a wonderful opportunity for the growth of iaido in Canada

Aug 16 2023 | Farewell Natasha!

In a few weeks our dear Natasha Fracassi will be starting a new adventure, continuing her studies and of course her Kendo journey in BC. We want to take this opportunity to congratulate her for making the 1st cut of top-10 players for the Team Canada selection. We will miss your indomitable spirit and your diligence in training Natasha 💪

Please come back soon!

Aug 12 & 13 2023 | Canadian National Kendo Championships

CNKC 2023 - The clash of bamboo swords, the swift footwork, and the indomitable spirit of kendoka filled the air at this year's 2023 Canadian National Kendo Championships. Held in Markham, ON from August 12 to August 13 for the first time since 2017, it was a chance for competitors from all across Canada to come together and compete.

Shidokan sent a large contingent of 10 players to compete in individual and team divisions in the Senior, Junior and provincial categories. Everybody gave it their all, and we're proud of the competitive spirit everyone displayed. Thank you to Junko Ariyama Sensei, Maxime Sensei and Veronique Sensei for their efforts in organizing and coaching the provincial teams. A big thank you to the organizers and volunteers of this event, and congratulations to all participants on their great show of fighting spirit.

Congratulations to:

  • Gabriel Schor Sensei 🥈 (silver with Team QC - Provincial Teams division)
  • Natasha Fracassi 🥉🏆 (bronze with Team QC & fighting spirit award in the Women's Team division)
  • Alysha Hum 🥉 (bronze with Team QC - Provincial Teams division)
  • Alex Datsenko 🥉🏆 (bronze with Team QC's Junior Provincial Team & fighting spirit award)

July 08 2023 | Visit from Ed Chart Sensei

Our sincere gratitude to Ed Chart Sensei, Miki Chart Sensei, Kristy LaPorte & Branden from Ottawa, ON for paying us a visit.

On this opportunity we were luck to be coached by Chart Sensei and Miki Sensei in our iaido training. For Kendo Kristy and Branden joined us for shiai practice

Please come back soon!

June 17th 2023 | CKF Kendo Grading

On June 17th, Shidokan hosted an official Canadian Federation Kendo grading. Many participants from 1st kyu to 4th dan attended to challenge their respective new rank.

Congratulations to everyone who participated and for those who achieved their new rank!

June 15 2023 | Visit from Steve from Halifax, NS

On June 15th we received a visit from Steve Harris all the way from Halifax, NS. Thank you Steve, come back any time!

June 03 2023 | Farewell Francis!

We take this opportunity to bid farewell to our dear Francis Pétrin who will start a new life adventure in Japan. Francis has been a valued member of our dojo for almost 10 years.

We will miss you brother! 気をつけて!

Also: Thank you Juan Schneider Sensei (from Kitajima dojo) for paying us a visit!

May 20 2023 | Visit from Min Hyung-Ki Sensei

Thank you 민형기 Min Hyung-Ki Sensei (from Seoul, Korea) for paying us a visit!

It was a great keiko, please visit us again soon!

May 20 2023 | GSK Tournament

We would like to congratulate Gabriel Schor Sensei 🥉 For bringing back some bling bling 💪💪💪 bronze medal in the 5dan+ Category at the 2023 Garden State Kendo Tournament! (May 20 2023 - Palisades Park, NJ) おめでとう!

You make us very proud!

May 18 2023 | Spring-Summer season begins!

Shidokan kicks off the new Spring/Summer session welcoming new members and getting ready for the gruelling training ahead.


May 06 2023 | CKF Montreal Shinpan Seminar

On May 6th, with the support of the Canadian Kendo Federation, we hosted a Kendo Referee (shinpan) Seminar, open to all Kendoka in the region. Our gratitude to Hyun-June Choi Sensei, 7th dan Kyoshi and Mathew Raymond Sensei 7th dan Kyoshi for leading the Seminar.

It was a full day Seminar focused on improving our referee's skills as well as to review the provitional post-covid rules set by the AJKF. Our volunteer-competitors (shiasha) also had the opportunity practice against many opponents.

Thank you Kenji Toida Sensei, Jin Whan Lee Sensei, Bora Choi Sensei and to all instructors, shiai-sha and volunteers, without which this event would not have been possible. Hope to see you all again very soon!

April 23 2023 | Inazuma Kendo Taikai 稲妻剣道大会

To celebrate the end of the semester, we held an internal tournament to give all of our members a chance to compete and work on their shinpan experience. For many of our newer members, it was their first tournament: "Inazuma (lighting) Kendo Taikai"

Everyone fought hard in both the individual round robins and there were exciting team matches in the second half of the tournament.

A big thank you to our organizing committee and to all of our volunteers, without whom this event would not have been possible.

April 22 2023 | Internal kendo & iaido Gradings

With the semester coming to a close, our beginner and junior members went through internal grading in both kendo and iaido. Congratulations to everyone who passed, and thank you for all your hard work this semester! Looking forward to the road ahead.

On a different note, we want to wish the best of luck to out dear Eugene, as she travels abroad to continue her studies. Come visit us soon!

April 8th 2023 | Easter Keiko

Following a severe rain-freezing storm where many people in Quebec lost electrical power for days, our fearsome Shidokan members still managed to come to practice. A great display of spirit and perseverace!

Mar 30 2023 | Farewell Kassem!

On March 30h we bid farewell [for now] to our dear Kassem Mezher. New adventures await for him in Japan at International Budo University 国際武道大学.

- Looking forward to see how much stronger you'll become!
See you soon Kassem!

March 25 & 26 2023 | Montreal Iaido Seminar & Grading

This March, Shidokan hosted the first Iaido Seminar and Grading event since the pandemic shutdown. We dedicated this event to the memory of our dear Robert Miller Sensei who, sadly, passed away last December.

It was good to see many old friends again and appreciate the support from the different dojos attending. It felt nice to be practicing all together again. Thank you to our dear Ohmi Sensei, Cruise Sensei and Chart Sensei for leading the Saturday seminar as well as instructors from Shidokan and from Ottawa.

A Grading session followed on Sunday morning, and we offer a well merited congratulations to all challengers who passed. Another phase complete and look onward to the next! The weekend was a great success and many thanks to the many volunteers who helped make this happen.

To everyone who attended; Thank you for your support, looking forward to seeing you again!
- Shidokan

February 2023 | Stevenston Taikai & Detroit Open Taikai

In February, a few Shidokan members participated in various kendo events. In Vancouver BC, there were Team Canada Prospects practices and the 59th Stevenston Taikai (February 11th). In Detroit US, there was a seminar led by Komeda Toshiro Sensei (Kyoshi 8th Dan) as well as the 2023 Detroit Open Taikai (February 18th and 19th).

Both weekends were a great learning experience for our Shidokan memebers. They fought and trained with heart! Thank you for representing us Gabriel Schor, Natasha Fracassi & Kassem Mezher.

A big thank you to head coach Dean Ara sensei as well as the other Team Canada coaches who taught and supported our members. Also, a thank you to Komeda Sensei for coming all the way from Japan to run an amazing seminar.
-Some of these photos are credited to @KendoPhotography

Jan 21st 2023 | 2023, Here we go!

Shidokan old posts

Shidokan Video pick of the month

August 2024 | Essence of Iaido with Yuko Kimura, 5th Dan

Famous magazine 'Kendo Nippon' interviews Yuko Kimura, a 29-year-old Iaido practitioner from Tokyo, Japan. An interesting look into the mindset of a iaido practitioner chasing after the idea of "Correct, strong and beautiful".

『正しく 強く 美しく』 29歳の女性若手居合道剣士・木村裕子さん(東京都)にインタビューしました。

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